Yknow these days, I find myself swearing a lot. I used to only just type "wtf" but not actually say the words out loud. But... now...

Yknow these days, I find myself swearing a lot. I used to only just type "wtf" but not actually say the words out loud. But... now... I actually.... say the word....


out loud.

I am actually slightly alarmed, and appalled by the fact that I use the f word (even typing the word out is quite disturbing cuz i'm conservative like that hahah) But I also find it slightly amusing. Damn, it's SO reflective of the change in my job role. Probably it's because I've become more high-strung now that I'm a journalist working with super tight deadlines and timelines.

I also realise... that my patience wears really thin sometimes when I deal with certain people and I no longer become friendly or courteous. There have been a couple of PR folks who have told me that I am one of the more friendly journalists to work with but I'm afraid.... I'm starting to become one of them angry/tired/easily annoyed journalists.

Cuz sometimes there really isn't any time for bullshit and we just want to cut to the chase and get what we need to deliver our stories... and I have no time for your explanations and excuses, just give me what I want because there's an editor barking at me to get certain things and you're not making my life any easier.

But then again, I will also try to tell myself that whoever it is I'm dealing with is probably getting shit from their superiors as well. So maybe, at the end of the day, we can all just try to join hands and be merry.

Anyway, I wish to keep you up to speed on all the fun/cool stuff I've been doing (ndp!!), with pictures and stuff!

Perhaps another post will do :) A post that doesn't have the f word as its title hahah.