Return from the Land of Beer \Laos Yes, it was a great trip, thank you. What with all that insecurities and overthinking of everything....

Return from the Land of Beer


Yes, it was a great trip, thank you. What with all that insecurities and overthinking of everything... It turned out fine. And I learnt so much from this trip. From the Laotians and from my own school mates. It was a very fulfilling trip. I can't say for sure that I'll remember it forever because memories tend to dissipate as time goes on... One thing tho and that is I know this trip left an indelible mark and will change my perspective and outlook of life. I hope not short-term but long.

To be Happy forever.....

As promised,

A video of the house I stayed in, at Laos! TEEHEE!!!!

A more lengthy post to come soon with pictures and more vids : )

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