Let's just say, 2019 has been a major rollercoaster ride. Taking my emotions to the highest of highs and lowest of lows. The start o...

Ups and Downs

Let's just say, 2019 has been a major rollercoaster ride. Taking my emotions to the highest of highs and lowest of lows.

The start of 2019 is a bit of a blur right now in my memory. I remember a bit of travelling - to Indonesia first for a wedding, then to Korea for holidaying. It was also a very very busy start at my workplace, with major reforms made in the education sector, which is the area that I report most on, with loads of interviews to do.

Work was exhausting, especially one time when I had to squeeze out many long stories in a short span of time. That one very nearly killed me, and killed my energy, maybe even killed my love for journalism... because work ate away at my soul and my health. I fell seriously ill in September, and had a couple of successive health scares that caused me to reevaluate my lifestyle choices and priorities. 

Then there were also problems within my family some time in the middle of the year. My family faced one of the toughest moments ever. And while I had tried not to let whatever that was happening affect me, it somehow got to me. Let's just say that walking into your parents' bedroom and seeing both of them crying isn't the most pleasant thing to witness.

But 2019 wasn't only doom and gloom. In fact, I experienced the complete opposite as well. 

When I went to Germany in September, I saw beautiful lakes, castles and mountains and I was reminded to slow down and to care for my SELF before anything else.

Just some of the beautiful places I visited!!

During the trip, I met my friend's dad who at one point looked at me, with unwavering gaze and said very gravely, "No one is indispensable". He explained that I will die one day, but the company lives and moves on without me - and warned me not to overwork myself.

While my trip to Germany in September taught me to take things easier, it was quite ironic that I made a trip to Germany AGAIN within a span of three short months for... WORK. Hahah so ironic. It was to cover President Halimah's first state visit to the country earlier this month. And because of the trip, I fell in love with my work again and I was reminded why I wanted to do this job. 

First ever overseas assignment!
Challenging yet incredibly fun

I must admit it's difficult to balance work and life. Work inevitably becomes part of life somehow. But I believe it's also expectations - when you set your expectations right, and you know what to prioritise, then life becomes a bit easier. 

As for the problems in my family? Some unexpected news came up last month, and it turned the entire situation around - my family is now buzzing with excitement and joy and happiness all around. I know... I'm keeping everything very vague, but in time, you will know what this piece of news is. I just can't say anything right now. As for the problems, they became almost non-existent. So yes, we were taken on a ride, a crazy rollercoaster ride. 

2019 was also the year when I met a very special human being... who also took me on a crazy rollercoaster ride. Someone who's been with me every step of the way since I met him - my ups, my downs, my highs, my lows. Someone who's been very gentle, caring, patient and kind to me. You know who you are - thank you and I can't wait to spend more of life's crazy moments with you ;-)

one of my favourite things
from my favourite human beannn

I've grown a lot this year - both in my personal and work life. Went through many challenges, but none that killed me. And I guess in a way, it's preparing me for bigger things to come in 2020. If 2019 was crazy, 2020 is gonna be way wayyyy more crazy. I can already feel it in my bones that the next decade is gonna be a whole lot more exciting than the last. Am I even gonna blog in the next 10 years???? That's crazy right. I've been so committed to this, my goodness. When I'm dead, I might just still be blogging in heaven hahahahh. 

Thanks 2019 for everything thrown at me, next up is 2020 gleaming right at me. 

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